This is a 1 month, 3 day per week workout plan for anyone looking to get a competitive edge on their opponents during this sporting hiatus. The Outdoor Sprinting for Sport Group is geared towards helping athletes maintain OR expand on their speed on the filed, pitch, or court. It is highly recommended that you do this program with a teammate, parent, or sibling (as long as you practice good social distancing protocols!!). Speed times and video of you running are highly recommended as we would like to look at form / technique and create a digital leaderboard to see where you started and how far you come as well as seeing how you compare to others! Coaches from Carter Peak Performance will be competing in this program too. How awesome is it to POTENTIALLY beat one of our coaches!!?
Speed training IS NOT conditioning! Our goal with this 4 week protocol is to make you faster in 30 days than you are now. Speed is a game changer in sport and when done correctly can give you an enormous benefit over the competition. The only equipment you would need is space (upwards of 100 yards) a stopwatch, access to a park bench / box, and a good work ethic!